Funeral Planning
Please know that you are in our prayers at this time.
What do I do first?
Please contact the funeral home to set up a meeting with a funeral director. The funeral director will then contact and work with the church office to plan your loved
one's funeral.
Types of Funerals
Some people choose to have a funeral Mass at the church. Others prefer a memorial service at the funeral home or graveside.
Please note that funeral Masses can be planned Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday at either 10:00 AM or 11:30 AM, permitting the schedules of the priests as well as availability of the church. Memorial Services can be scheduled permitting the schedules of the priests or deacon.
If you have any questions regarding the funeral Mass/service, please call Katherine at the Parish Office. 440-234-6830 ext 100.
For St. Adalbert Cemetery arrangements, please contact the Cemetery Manager, Darlene 440-234-6830 ext 101.