The parish has automatic offertory available. We are using "Online Giving" backed by the Catholic organization Our Sunday Visitor. This service provides...
The parishioner is able to log into their account via online or app on their mobile device to change their amount offered to see a listing of what they have given in the past.
Safety. A person's financial information is kept secure. No financial data is stored at the parish.
We are able to accept a parishioners donation from not only their checking or savings account but also from Visa, Mastercard or Discover. That means giving can now earn you points or cash back on your credit card.
More possibilities. Need to pay those PSR Fees? Want to buy tickets for an upcoming event? You will now be able to do these one time payments from wherever you are without sending in a check.
Ready to sign up? Click here to set up an account or go to download the app by searching "Our Sunday Visitor" in Google App or Apple App Store or go to
Questions? Call Rick at 440-234-6830 ext 102 or